Is it normal to struggle wearing cycling shorts?

Is it normal to struggle wearing cycling shorts?

Cycling shorts are an essential piece of cycling gear, but they can be uncomfortable to wear. This article discusses why cycling shorts are so uncomfortable and offers advice on how to find comfortable cycling shorts. It suggests considering the type of fabric, the size of the shorts, and the chamois pad. It also recommends trying on multiple pairs of shorts to find the right pair. Ultimately, the article concludes that it is normal to struggle wearing cycling shorts, but with the right fit and fabric, it is possible to find a comfortable pair of cycling shorts.

14 2023
Can I make a good running athletic career at the age of 30?

Can I make a good running athletic career at the age of 30?

This article explores whether it is possible to make a successful career in running at the age of 30. The article explains that although it is possible to compete in running events at this age, it may be difficult to reach the highest levels of the sport. It is important to have the right mindset and dedication to training, as well as having the right physical attributes, such as a good running economy, to be successful. Furthermore, the article suggests that a combination of strength, speed and endurance training, combined with a healthy diet, can help to improve performance. Finally, the article concludes that while it may be possible to make a successful running career at the age of 30, it will require a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment.

7 2023
Does a mountain bike break down a lot?

Does a mountain bike break down a lot?

Mountain bikes have become increasingly popular for their versatility and affordability. As a result, many people have been wondering whether mountain bikes are prone to breaking down regularly. It turns out that, while it is possible for mountain bikes to break down, they are actually quite reliable when cared for properly. Regular maintenance and tuning can help to ensure that your mountain bike remains in good condition and rarely breaks down.

1 2023